
1. preposition /bʌt,bət/
Without, apart from, except.

Away but the hoose and tell me whaes there.

2. adverb /bʌt,bət/
Merely, only.

Since that day, my mood has changed but a little.

3. conjunction /bʌt,bət/
a) Except (for), excluding.

I have no choice but to leave.

b) On the contrary, but rather (introducing a word or clause that contrasts with or contradicts the preceding clause or sentence without the not).

I am not rich but (I am) poor.

Syn: bar, unless, excepting, excluding, with the exception of, without, yet, although, ac
4. noun /bʌt,bət/
a) An instance or example of using the word "but"

It has to be done – no ifs or buts.

b) The outer room of a small two-room cottage.

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