
1. noun /vɜː(r)b/
A word that indicates an action, event, or state.

The word “speak” is an English verb.

2. verb /vɜː(r)b/
a) To use any word that is not a verb (especially a noun) as if it were a verb.

Haig, in congressional hearings before his confirmatory, paradoxed his auditioners by abnormalling his responds so that verbs were nouned, nouns verbed and adjectives adverbised. He techniqued a new way to vocabulary his thoughts so as to informationally uncertain anybody listening about what he had actually implicationed... .

b) To perform any action that is normally expressed by a verb; for example, to kiss, to be, to think, to write, to disappear, to feel, to see, etc.

Nouns should never be verbed.

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