conformation - convention
- conformation
- conformational proofreading
- congener
- congenic strains
- congenital
- conglomerate
- congo red
- congression
- congruent crossing
- conidiums
- conjugate
- conjugated linoleic acid
- conjugated protein
- conjugation
- conjugation chromosomes
- conjugative plasmid
- connector method
- connexins
- consensus sequence
- consequence management
- conservants
- conservation
- conservation of biodiversity
- conservation of farm animal genetic resource
- conservation tillage
- conservation value
- conservative substitution
- conserved
- conserved sequence
- consortia
- conspecific
- constellation
- constituens
- constitutive
- constitutive enzyme
- constitutive gene
- constitutive genes
- constitutive heterochromatin
- constitutive mutation
- constitutive promoter
- 1
- 2