appl - assu
- applicant
- applicant for a patent
- application
- application blank (form)
- application for a patent
- application for investment
- application for investments
- applied
- applied art
- applied economics
- applied research
- applied science
- applied statisticss
- applied studys
- appointment
- apportion
- apportioned costs (expenses)
- apportionment
- apportionment method (of income estimation)
- appraisal
- appraisal of data
- appraise
- appraised value
- appraisement
- appraiser
- appreciable
- appreciate
- appreciation
- appreciation in value of investment
- appreciation of capital
- appreciation of currency rate
- appreciation of exchange rate
- apprehensive buying
- apprentice
- apprentice training
- apprenticeship
- appropriate
- appropriate a piece of property
- appropriate goods to the contract
- appropriate housing