nonc - oil
- noncash and cash overhead costss
- noncommercial farms
- noncompetitive imports
- noncorporate establishments
- nondurable consumption
- nondurable goods
- nonearning cash
- noneconomic motives
- nonferrous metal industry
- nonhousehold balances
- nonincorporated enterprises
- nonnegotiable
- nonpecuniary motives
- nonproductive services
- nonreciprocal clause
- nonreciprocal principle
- nonreciprocal provision
- nonremunerative family labour
- nonresidential industrial construction
- norm
- norm coefficient
- normal demand conditions
- normals
- Northen range
- nostro balance
- not at-arms-length transaction
- not elsewhere cited
- not expenditure level
- note
- note issue
- notes in circulation
- notes payable
- notes receivable
- notion of flow
- notional profit
- novelty
- number
- number of employed
- number of employees per establishment
- number of engaged by group status