plow - posi
- plow
- plow cut
- plow horizon
- plowed
- plowed area
- plowed fallow
- plowing
- plowing depth
- plowing horizon
- plowing land
- plowland
- plug
- plug drain
- plug-flow reactor
- plugflow
- plugflow aerotank
- plumbic pollution
- plumbing
- plumbing fittings
- plumbing system
- plumbing unit
- plumbo-solvency
- plume
- plume centreline
- plume dispersal
- plume of effluents
- plume of pollution
- plume rise
- plume spread
- plume travel time
- plunger
- plunger pump
- plunger type portable fire extinguisher
- pluristratal
- pluristratal community
- plutonic rock
- pluvial
- pluvial denudation