volc - wate
- volcanic accident
- volcanic ash cloud
- volcanic cinder
- volcanic dust
- volcanic eruption
- volcanic eruption cloud
- volcanic rock
- volcanicity
- volcanism
- vole
- volley of sewage
- volmnetric
- volmnetric analysis
- volume
- volume curve of water in river
- volume of dilution
- volume of run-off
- volume of surface runoff
- volumetric efficiency
- volumetric flowmeter
- volumetric oxygen demand
- volumetric rate of reaction
- volumetric water capacity
- Voluntary Assistance Program
- voluntary assistance programme
- voluntary fund
- voluntary observation ship
- voluntary observing ship
- voluntary organisation
- Von Roll grates
- vortex
- vortex breakdown
- vortex mixer
- vortex overflow
- vortex reactor
- Vostok shoal
- VP