very - weap
- very sensitive items
- Very Sensitive List (VSL) or sub-set of Tier 2
- Via-Baltica Project
- Via-Hanseatica
- Vice-Chairman of the Committee
- Vice-Consul
- Vice-President of the PACE
- Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
- Viet Nam
- Vietnamese
- violation of state borders
- Virtual Multimedia Resource Network
- virtual steering group
- Visby Summit
- visitor visa
- Vocation Training Project in Cooperation with Enterprises
- Volonte
- Volujak
- Voluntary Action Plan
- voluntary organizations of the Russian Federation Armed Forces
- voluntary process of individual and collective actions
- Vranje
- Vucitm
- vulnerability
- vulnerability of a state
- vulnerable groups
- WA
- war crime
- war game
- war losses
- war victim
- Washington Treaty
- Wassenaar - confidential information
- Wassenaar - restricted information
- Wassenaar Agreement
- Wassenaar Arrangement Secure Information System
- watch list
- Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
- 1
- 2