on-s - outg
- on-site control
- on-site inspection
- on-site monitoring agreement
- on-site observation
- on-site verification
- on-the-spot arrest
- on-the-spot assessment
- on-the-spot checks
- on-the-spot commentary
- on-the-spot report
- on-the-spot reportage
- on-year
- one country - two systems
- one country's purse is deeper that another's
- one house legislative veto
- one minute speech
- one party style of government
- one story continues to overshadow all other topics
- one time candidate
- one time pad
- one's most heartfelt thanks
- one's opposite number
- one's power base in the party
- one-against-the-rest situation
- one-chamber
- one-child-family policy
- one-crop country
- one-man confinement cell
- one-man job
- one-man race
- one-man-one-vote system
- one-member-one-vote system
- one-parent family
- one-party
- one-party cabinet
- one-party rule
- one-party state
- one-party system
- one-sided
- one-sided account