
net asset value
net asset value ( NAV)
A mutual fund's share value. It is calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total assets to determine net worth or equity. The equity value is then divided by the number of outstanding shares. The NAV is calculated once each day at the close of business. American Banker Glossary
( NAV)
The value of a fund's investments. For a mutual fund, the net asset value per share usually represents the fund's market price, subject to a possible sales or redemption charge. For a closed-end fund, the market price may vary significantly from the net asset value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
net asset value ( NAV)
The Net Asset Value of a company is the total value of all its assets less its liabilities. Financial Services Glossary
net asset value ( NAV)
In the context of trusts and funds, NAV is the total value of the fund's portfolio less liabilities. London Stock Exchange Glossary
Net Asset Value ( NAV)
Price of a unit or share in a collective investment scheme, obtained by dividing the scheme's net assets by the number of units or shares. NAV is calculated and published on a regular basis, at a frequency specified in the prospectus or stipulated by law and regulations. The frequency may be changed. Where the assets of the scheme exceed €80 million, NAV is calculated daily. In exceptional circumstances, redemptions may be suspended. Further, some schemes may place limits on subscriptions, as specified in the Financial Security Act. All redemptions and subscriptions are based on the net asset value. NYSE Euronext Glossary

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net asset value net asset value value1

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   The valuation of a company or fund based on its assets. This can lead to differences of perception depending on how assets are valued. For mutual funds and unit trusts, the NAV is calculated daily by dividing the net value by the number of outstanding shares. This is the price at which investors can redeem their mutual fund shares.
   ► See also Mutual Fund.

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the total value of the assets of a company after its total debt has been subtracted: »

A Fund's net asset value will tend to rise when interest rates fall.

NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE(Cf. ↑net asset value per share)

Financial and business terms. 2012.