
The importance placed on something by an individual. Value is subjective and may change according to the circumstances. Something that may be valued highly at one time may be valued less at another time. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary

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I. value val‧ue 1 [ˈvæljuː] noun
1. [countable, uncountable] the amount of money something is worth:

• The dangers associated with hazardous waste clearly outweigh its commercial value.

• The company's current value is estimated at £300 million.

• A price rise would increase the dollar value of US oil production by $31 billion a year.

ˌadded ˈvalue [uncountable] MARKETING
an increase in the value of something that has been worked on, combined with other things etc so that it can be sold in a new form:

• In the past, producers ignored the potential 25% added value that could be gained from selling gold as jewellery.

• Clients will look to computer systems for the answers to all legal questions, and will be willing to pay for personal service only when the added value justifies the expense.

ˌannual ˈvalue [countable, uncountable]
PROPERTY the value of a property, used to calculate the amount of local tax that must be paid on it; = assured value AmE:

• In 1445, his English estates had an annual value of over £1,061.

• The tax base, or rateable value, is the net annual value of the property occupied.

ˈasset ˌvalue [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING FINANCE
the total net book value of a company's assets:

• The net asset value of the group at the year end was $1,629m.

ˌasset ˌvalue per ˈshare [uncountable]
ACCOUNTING FINANCE the total value of the assets that a company has, divided by the number of shares that the company has issued; = ASSET BACKING:

• The share price remains below the bank's net asset value per share.

asˌsured ˈvalue [countable, uncountable]
PROPERTY the value of a property, used to calculate the amount of local tax that must be paid on it; = annual value Bre
1. [countable, uncountable] the value of an asset or group of assets in a company's accounts, not necessarily the amount they could be sold for:

• The company owns a ski resort on Lake Tahoe that could be worth double its $19 million book value.

2. [countable, uncountable] the value of a company measured as its total assets minus total liabilities except liabilities to shareholders:

• Value investors buy a stock when it seems cheap compared with a company's earnings, dividends, or book value.

ˈbreak-up ˌvalue [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING FINANCE the total value of a company if each part of the company is sold separately, rather than if it is sold as a working company:

• The mining company has a break-up value put at £2.6 billion more than its current £5.8 billion capitalisation.

ˌcapital ˈvalue [uncountable]
ACCOUNTING FINANCE the total worth of one or more investments:

• The property company said that 50% of the capital value of its portfolio was now invested in town centre retail malls.

ˌcustomer ˈlifetime ˌvalue written abrreviation CLV [uncountable] MARKETING
another name for lifetime value
deˌclared ˈvalue [uncountable] TAX
the value of goods on which duty must be paid when passing through Customs
deˌprival ˈvalue [countable]
ACCOUNTING the amount a business would lose if an asset was lost or damaged etc. This amount represents what it would cost to replace the asset or the amount a business would have received from the asset's sale:

• Assets under deprival value accounting could be significantly higher than the book values of assets with related outstanding debt.

ˌeconomic ˈvalue [uncountable] FINANCE
a calculation of the profits produced by an asset, or the amount of profit it might produce in the future:

• The economic value of the oil and gas field could become uncertain if electricity generating companies are forced to use more British coal.

exˌpected ˈvalue [countable]
STATISTICS an average figure that would appear if a set of figures was studied many times
exˌtrinsic ˈvalue [uncountable]
formal the amount of money something is worth, based on its outer appearance or price:

• Your personal belongings may have little extrinsic value, but when they are lost or stolen, the cost of replacement can be surprisingly high.

ˌface ˈvalue
1. [countable, uncountable] the amount that appears on a coin, cheque etc which shows how much money it is worth:

• A voucher issued to passengers whose flights have been cancelled is redeemable by the airline for its face value.

face value of

• A bank manager had issued false deposit certificates with a face value of 342,000 yen.

2. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE the stated value of a share, bond etc when it is Issued (= sold for the first time). This is not necessarily the price that is really paid for it. Bonds, for example, may be sold slightly above or below their face amount. This value is used to calculate yield (= how much profit bonds make for the investor); = FACE AMOUNT; NOMINAL VALUE; PAR VALUE:
face value of

• 30-year bonds with a discounted face value of 35%

ˌfair ˈvalue also ˌfair ˌmarket ˈvalue [countable usually singular]
FINANCE the value of a business's assets based on the amount of money that could probably be obtained if they were sold:

• The price of the shares was to be the fair value, as determined by the company's auditors.

• There was a proposal to sell the company's headquarters at its current fair market value.

ˌfuture ˈvalue written abbreviation fv [countable, uncountable]
FINANCE the value of an investment on a future date, used for example in calculating the value of an asset after it has been rented out for a period of time, or in calculating how much profit a particular activity will make:

• The cut in the tax credit on dividend interests could have significant implications for the future value of occupational pension funds.

imˌputed ˈvalue [uncountable]
TAX STATISTICS a value given to something because the actual value is not known, for example because exact figures are not available
inˌtrinsic ˈvalue [uncountable]
the amount of money something is worth, based on its personal value to someone
ˌlifetime ˈvalue [uncountable] MARKETING
the total profit that a company expects to get from customers during the time when they buy the company's products:

• Here are five steps to increase the lifetime value of your customers.

ˌmarket ˈvalue
1. [countable, uncountable] how much people would be willing to pay for something, rather than a value calculated in another way:

• The survey compared the market value of similar properties in different parts of the country.

2. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE the total value of all the shares on a stockmarket, or the value of the shares of a particular company:

• The current market value of the firm's equity finance is £1 million.

ˌnet ˌannual ˈvalue [countable, uncountable]
PROPERTY the amount of rent that could be charged for a house, land etc, used in Britain as a basis for calculating local taxes:

• The tax base, or rateable value, is the net annual value of the property occupied.

ˌnet ˈasset ˌvalue written abbreviation NAV [uncountable]
1. ACCOUNTING FINANCE the value of a company's assets, less its liabilities except to shareholders at a particular time. Net asset value is used as an indicator of how much a company is worth to a buyer; = NET WORTH:

• Stock analysts have written down the bank's net asset value by a substantial sum.

2. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE the value of the investments of a mutual fund (= a financial institution that invests its shareholders' money in other companies) at a particular time:

• If the net asset value of the trust were £50 million and there were 5 million units in existence, then the net asset value of one unit would be £10.

ˌnet ˌbook ˈvalue abbreviation NBV [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING FINANCE the value of an asset or group of assets in a company's financial records after depreciation (= amounts to allow for their estimated loss of value as they get older, less productive etc) or revaluations (= amounts to show estimated increases in the value of property, buildings etc). This may be more or less than what they could actually be sold for:

• The net book value of our domestic oil and gas properties was $112.3 million as of last Sept. 30.

• Is property and plant at net book value or are they included at current valuation or depreciated replacement cost?

ˌnet ˌpresent ˈvalue written abbreviation NPV [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING FINANCE the value of the income from a business investment using a particular percentage to calculate its discounted cash flow (= the money it will bring in the future, reduced at a particular rate to take account of the delay in receiving it). The rate is based on present interest rates increased by an amount to take account of risk. If, using this rate, the NPV is positive in relation to the cost of the investment, the investment will be profitable:

• By investing in projects that have positive net present value, finance managers will create value.

ˌnet ˌrealizable ˈvalue also net realisable value [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING FINANCE the realistic value of an asset if it were sold, after taking off any costs relating to selling it:

• It is necessary to value stock at the lower end of net realizable value.

ˌnominal ˈvalue
1. [countable, uncountable] FINANCE in shares and bonds, another name for par value:

• Under a new law, Swiss companies will be able to lower the nominal value of their shares to 10 Swiss francs from 100.

2. [countable, uncountable] the nominal value of a banknote is the amount printed on it:

• A system of banknotes is economical when the nominal value of each note is about double that of the lesser note.

ˈpar ˌvalue
[countable, uncountable] FINANCE the stated value of a bond, share etc when it is Issued (= sold for the first time). This is not necessarily the actual price paid for it. Bonds, for example, may be sold slightly above or below this value. The par value of bonds is used to calculate yield (= their profitability to the investor); = FACE AMOUNT; FACE VALUE; NOMINAL VALUE:

• The bonds were trading at about 97% of their par value.

• Currently denominated at 500 yen par value, the shares will be changed to 50 yen.

— see also par
ˌpresent ˈvalue also ˌpresent ˌdiscounted ˈvalue [countable, uncountable] ACCOUNTING FINANCE
the value of an amount of money now, after you have taken away the amount of interest which you are likely to get from it between now and a future date. present value is used especially when calculating how much money you need to invest now, in order to get a particular amount of money in the future
ˌrateable ˈvalue [countable, uncountable]
PROPERTY a value given to buildings in Britain before 1990 in order to calculate how much local tax the owner had to pay
reˈplacement ˌvalue [countable, uncountable] INSURANCE
the amount of money something would cost to replace:

• Airlines insured their aircraft for replacement value because the industry was booming.

reˌsidual ˈvalue [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING the amount of money something is worth after a particular length of time:

• The machinery has a useful life of 10 years, and the residual value is likely to be very small.

ˌsurplus ˈvalue [uncountable] ECONOMICS
the difference between what it costs to make a product and the amount of money it can be sold for; = PROFIT:

• The main purpose of Marx's theory is to explain the phenomenon of surplus value in the capitalist system.

surˈrender ˌvalue
[countable, uncountable] INSURANCE the value of an insurance policy when it mature S (= becomes due for payment), or when you stop it before it matures:

• If the holder drops the policy before death, the person gets to walk away with some of the accumulated savings, the policy's surrender value.

ˌwritten-ˈdown ˌvalue [countable, uncountable]
ACCOUNTING the value of an asset or group of assets in a company's financial records after depreciation (= amounts to allow for their estimated loss of value as they get older, less productive etc):

• The written-down value has no relation to the market value of an asset.

2. good/​excellent etc value (for money) if something is good, excellent etc value, it is of good quality, considering its price or you get a large amount for the price:

• Local firms seem to offer the best value for money.

3. values [plural] HUMAN RESOURCES the principles and practices that a business or organization thinks are important and which it tries to follow:

• Our vision for the new century calls for less consumerism and more attention to human values.

ˌcore ˈvalues
the principles that you consider to be most important, and which affect all aspects of what you do:

• The following list of core values reflects what is truly important to us as an organization.

— see also time value
  [m0] II. value value 2 verb [transitive]
to decide how much something is worth, especially by comparing it with other, similar things:

• It's almost impossible to value a media property fairly in the current economic climate.

value something at

• Legal & General plc agreed to sell its insurance unit in a deal valued at £140 million.

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value UK US /ˈvæljuː/ noun [C or U]
the amount of money that something is worth: »

This mortgage is available for up to 95% of the property's value.

go up/shoot up/increase in value »

One-bedroom flats have shot up in value by 71%.

go down/drop/fall in value »

My investment has gone down in value.

a high/low value »

The rupiah has climbed to its highest value against the dollar since early May.

how good or useful something is in relation to its price: excellent/good/poor value »

Property will always remain good value.

give/offer/provide value »

If you're taking more than one trip a year, annual travel insurance policies offer excellent value.


These jogsuits are outstanding value for money at a greatly reduced price.

values — Cf. values
See also ADDED VALUE(Cf. ↑added value), ANNUAL VALUE(Cf. ↑annual value), ASSET VALUE(Cf. ↑asset value), ASSET VALUE PER SHARE(Cf. ↑asset value per share), ASSURED VALUE(Cf. ↑assured value), BOOK VALUE(Cf. ↑book value), BREAK-UP VALUE(Cf. ↑break-up value), CAPITAL VALUE(Cf. ↑capital value), CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE(Cf. ↑customer lifetime value), DEPRIVAL VALUE(Cf. ↑deprival value), ECONOMIC VALUE(Cf. ↑economic value), EXPECTED VALUE(Cf. ↑expected value), FACE VALUE(Cf. ↑face value), FAIR VALUE(Cf. ↑fair value), FUTURE VALUE(Cf. ↑future value), IMPUTED VALUE(Cf. ↑imputed value), INTRINSIC VALUE(Cf. ↑intrinsic value), LIFETIME VALUE(Cf. ↑lifetime value), MARKET VALUE(Cf. ↑market value), NET ANNUAL VALUE(Cf. ↑net annual value), NET ASSET VALUE(Cf. ↑net asset value), NET BOOK VALUE(Cf. ↑net book value), NET PRESENT VALUE(Cf. ↑net present value), NET REALIZABLE VALUE(Cf. ↑net realizable value), NOMINAL VALUE(Cf. ↑nominal value), PAR VALUE(Cf. ↑par value), PRESENT VALUE(Cf. ↑present value), RATEABLE VALUE(Cf. ↑rateable value), REPLACEMENT VALUE(Cf. ↑replacement value), RESIDUAL VALUE(Cf. ↑residual value), SURPLUS VALUE(Cf. ↑surplus value), SURRENDER VALUE(Cf. ↑surrender value), WRITTEN-DOWN VALUE(Cf. ↑written-down value)
value UK US /ˈvæljuː/ verb [T]
to judge how much money something is worth: »

Soft assets are hard to value.


A tried and tested way of valuing companies is looking at cash flow.

value sth at sth »

The property is valued at $160,000.

to consider something important or good: »

We value our partnership with the government.

value sb/sth for sth »

Plastic manufacturers value this polymer for its ability to withstand high temperatures.

value UK US /ˈvæljuː/ adjective [before noun]
COMMERCE produced to sell at a low price: »

There has been a positive reception to its new value range of kitchen products.


The products range from $100 single-barrel bourbons to value brands that sell for $10 a bottle or less.

Financial and business terms. 2012.