
par value
See par for all securities except MBSs.
See par line for MBSs. American Banker Glossary
Also called the maturity value or face value; the amount that an issuer agrees to pay at the maturity date. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary
See nominal value. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein financial glossary
The amount, exclusive of interest or premium, due to a security holder at maturity. The face value (par value) of a security is shown on the face of the security's certificate. Exchange Handbook Glossary
The value of the security when it is first issued, also known as nominal value. Financial Services Glossary

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par value par value value1

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   The value that appears on the face of a document recording an entitlement, generally a share certificate or a bond. The par value of a share is a fairly arbitrary amount and shares usually trade in the market above that value. For debt instrument such as bonds, however, par is far more important because it represents the amount to be repaid at maturity. Also known as face value or nominal value.

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par value UK US noun [S] (also nominal value) FINANCE
the value of a share, bond, etc. when it is made available for sale for the first time: »

The group's 5.375% Euro bonds fell to 60% of par value.

at par value »

The bank has the right to redeem the bonds at par value.

Financial and business terms. 2012.