
I (declaration) noun affirmation, announcement, assertion, assurance, attestation, averment, avowal, claim, confession, declaration of faith, disclosure, enunciation, notification, oath, pledge, presentation, professio, pronouncement, representation, statement, troth, vow, word, word of honor II (vocation) noun association, avocation, business, calling, career, chosen work, concern, craft, employment, endeavor, engagement, field, job, learned profession, lifework, line of work, manus, occupation, office, position, practice, pursuit, role, specialty, trade, undertaking, vocation, walk of life, work associated concepts: professional corporation III index admission (disclosure), affirmation, appointment (position), assertion, asseveration, averment, avowal, business (occupation), calling, career, conviction (persuasion), cover (pretext), declaration, disclosure (act of disclosing), disclosure (something disclosed), employment, expression (comment), industry (business), job, labor (work), livelihood, mission, occupation (vocation), office, position (business status), post, pretext, pronouncement, pursuit (occupation), testimony, trade (occupation), work (employment)

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