
I noun abode, box number, domicile, dwelling, dwelling place, habitation, headquarters, home, inhabitancy, inscriptio, legal residence, locus, lodging, lodging place, lodgment, place of business, residence, seat, street number associated concepts: business address, last known address, local address, office address, post office address, residence II (direct attention to) verb apply oneself to, approach, be occupied with, bring to attention, bring to notice, call attention to, call to notice, concern oneself with, devote oneself to, direct to, occupy oneself with III (petition) verb appeal, call upon, enter a plea, enter a suit for, plead, prepare a complaint, prepare a formal request, prepare a petition, seek redress associated concepts: address the court IV (talk to) verb deliver a talk, discourse, discuss, give a speech, harangue, hominem adloqui, lecture, orate, preach, se rei dedere, sermonize, speak to V index abode, accost, bestow, building (structure), call (appeal), conduct, converse, declaim, declamation, deportment, discourse (noun), discourse (verb), dispatch (send off), domicile, habitation (dwelling place), locality, lodging, manner (behavior), parlance, peroration, recite, report (detailed account), residence, rhetoric (skilled speech), site, speak, speech

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