
I noun altercation, brangle, breach of the peace, broil, commotion, deafening row, din, dispute, disturbance, embranglement, embroilment, feud, fight, fisticuffs, fracas, fray, hubbub, imbroglio, jangle, jurgium, mèlée, noisiness, outbreak, pandemonium, quarrel, racket, rampage, riot, rixa, row, rowdiness, ruction, scramble, scrimmage, scuffle, squabble, tumult, turmoil, uproar, wrangle associated concepts: disorderly conduct II verb altercate, be noisy, bicker, brangle, break the peace, broil, clamor, create a disturbance, create a riot, dispute angrily, fight, have a row, have words with, jangle, make a commotion, make a racket, make an uproar, quarrel noisily, rampage, riot, rixari, row, run riot, scrap, scrimmage, scuffle, set to, spat, squabble, tiff, wrangle associated concepts: disorderly conduct III index affray, bicker, bluster (commotion), commotion, confrontation (altercation), contend (dispute), contest (dispute), controversy (argument), disaccord, embroilment, fight (battle), fracas, fray, outbreak, outcry, riot

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006