
I (dispute) verb altercate, argue, battle, be discordant, bicker, brawl, carry on an argument, challenge, clash, combat, compete, conflict, contendere, contest, contradict, decernere, differ, disaccord, disagree, discept, discord, dissent, encounter, engage, fight, gainsay, have an altercation, have words with, impugn, litigate, make an issue, oppose, pugnare, quarrel, reluct, rival, skirmish, spar, spat, squabble, strike at, strive, struggle, take on, vie with, war, wrangle II (maintain) verb adfirmare, advance, affirm, argue, assert, asseverate, assure, attest, aver, avow, claim, claim to know, confirmare, contendere, declare, emphasize, express, hold, hold the opinion, insist, make a statement, make an assertion, predicate, profess, say, set forth, state, state emphatically, stress, utter with conviction, vouch, warrant III index allege, answer (reply), argue, assert, avouch (avow), avow, bear (adduce), bicker, claim (maintain), collide (clash), compete, conflict, contest, counter, counteract, cross (disagree with), debate, declare, dicker, differ (disagree), disaccord, dispute (contest), engage (involve), fight (battle), insist, litigate, oppose, oppugn, plead (allege in a legal action), posit, postulate, profess (avow), propose, propound, reason (persuade), refute, strive

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006