
I adjective accuratus, alert, attentive, attentus, cautious, circumspect, concerned, diligens, discreet, foresighted, guarded, heedful, judicious, meticulous, mindful, on one's guard, on the alert, overcautious, painstaking, precautious, provident, prudent, regardful, scrupulous, thoughtful, unadventurous, unenterprising, vigilant, watchful, wide-awake associated concepts: careful and prudent manner, caution, diligence, due care, protection, prudence, reasonable care II index accurate, circumspect, close (rigorous), conscientious, deliberate, discreet, economical, exact, faithful (diligent), frugal, guarded, judicious, leery, literal, meticulous, noncommittal, painstaking, particular (exacting), politic, precise, preventive, provident (frugal), provident (showing foresight), prudent, punctilious, scrupulous, strict, thorough, vigilant

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