
I verb characterize, characterize precisely, circumscribere, clarify, construe, definire, delineate, denominate, depict the essential qualities of, describe, describe the properties of, designate, determine the essential qualities of, determine with precision, differentiate, elucidate, enumerate, establish, exemplify, explain, explain the nature of, expound, fix, fix the meaning, fix with precision, formalize, formulate, give the meaning, identify, illustrate, individualize, individuate, interpret, label, limit, make clear, mark the limits, name, prescribe, render, render precise, specify, spell out, state the meaning of, state the meaning precisely, tell the meaning, term, throw light upon, translate associated concepts: defined by law, defined by statute II index border (bound), call (title), clarify, comment, construe (translate), delimit, delineate, demarcate, describe, designate, distinguish, elucidate, explain, explicate, expound, illustrate, interpret, label, render (depict), restrict, trace (delineate)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006