
I verb adumbrare, block out, blueprint, circumscribe, construct a figure, contour, convey an impression of, define, depict, depingere, describe, describere, detail, determine, diagram, draft, draw, draw a picture, engrave, etch, figure, frame, give the details of, illuminate, illustrate, itemize, limn, make a likeness, make apparent, make clear, make vivid, map, mold, outline, paint, paint a picture, particularize, picture, picturize, plot, portray, portray in words, profile, recite, recount, relate, report, represent, represent by diagram, represent by outlines, represent pictorially, set forth, shape, silhouette, sketch, sketch in outline, sketch out, specify, specify the particulars of, survey, tell vividly, trace, trace out, trace the outline of, traverse the outline of II index amplify, analyze, border (bound), characterize, circumscribe (define), circumscribe (surround by boundary), clarify, construe (translate), define, depict, describe, detail (particularize), draw (depict), exemplify, expound, hedge, identify, interpret, locate, portray, recite, recount, render (depict), represent (portray), signify (denote)

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