advise against, affright, animum frangere, argue against, avert, cast down, cause discontent, cause dislike, cause doubt, caution, contraindicate, convince to the contrary, dampen, daunt, deflect, dehort, deject, demoralize, deprecate, depress, deprive of courage, destroy confidence, deter, deterrere, disaffect, discountenance, disenchant, disgruntle, dishearten, disillusion, disincline, disinterest, dismay, dispirit, dissuade, divert, expostulate, forestall, frighten away, give one pause, hinder, impose difficulties, indispose, inspire fear, intimidate, keep back, keep from, lessen the self-confidence of, lower the courage of, obstruct by opposition, oppose, persuade against, put a damper on, quench, remonstrate, render averse, repel, reprove, restrain, sadden, scare, set against, thwart, turn aside, turn from, unnerve, upset, warn, weaken the resolution of
browbeat, check (restrain), debar, depress, deter, disappoint, dissuade, expostulate, forbid, forewarn, frustrate, hinder, preclude, prevent, remonstrate
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.