
I verb admonish, advise against, animadvert upon, appeal against, argue, attempt to divert, cast reproach upon, castigate, caution, chastise, chide, convince to the contrary, correct, declaim against, dehort, deter, disapprove, discourage, disincline, dissuade, divert by appeal, divert by persuasion, enjoin, exclaim against, exhort against, find fault with, gainsay, give advice against, object, objurgate, oppose, premonish, protest, reason earnestly against, recommend against, remonstrate, repugn, take exception, talk out of, turn aside, urge against, view with disfavor, withhold assent II index admonish (warn), argue, blame, castigate, censure, charge (accuse), counsel, demonstrate (protest), discourage, forewarn, reason (persuade), remonstrate, reprehend, urge III index hortative

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006