
I (lack of interest) noun aloofness, apathy, boredom, callousness, carelessness, coolness, detachment, disdain, disinterestedness, disregard, heedlessness, inappetance, inappetancy, inattention, inattentiveness, inconsideration, incuriosity, incuriousness, indifference, insensitivity, insouciance, lack of attention, lack of concern, langour, languidness, laxity, listlessness, mindlessness, neglect, neglectfulness, negligence, nonchalance, noninvolvement, obliviousness, perfunctoriness, phlegm, pococurantism, spiritlessness, supineness, tepidity, thoughtlessness, unconcern, unmindfulness, unsolicitousness, want of attention, want of interest II (lack of prejudice) noun broad-mindedness, candor, catholicity, detachment, dispassion, dispassionateness, equitableness, equity, evenhandedness, fair play, fair treatment, fairness, freedom from bias, freedom from prejudice, freedom from self-interest, impartiality, impartialness, impersonality, indiscrimination, justice, justness, liberality, neutrality, noninvolvement, nonpartisanship, objectivity, open-mindedness, tolerance, toleration, unbiasedness, unprejudice, unselfishness, unslantedness associated concepts: disinterested judge, disinterested party, disinterested persons, disinterested witness, without pecuniary interest III index discourage, disregard (unconcern), neutrality, objectivity

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