
I noun accomplishments, acquirements, acquisition of knowledge, body of knowledge, coaching, cultivation, culture, direction, edification, elucidation, enlightenment, erudition, explanation, general information, guidance, imparting of skill, improvement of the mind, inculcation, indoctrination, instruction, intellectuality, knowledge, learning, letters, literacy, pedagogy, preparation, propaedeutics, qualification, scholarship, schooling, science of teaching, store of knowledge, studies, system of knowledge, systematic training, teaching, training, tuition, tutelage, tutoring, upbringing associated concepts: board of education, educational corporation, educational facilities, educational institution, educational purposes, educational trust, educational uses II index direction (guidance), discipline (field of study), edification, experience (background), guidance, information (knowledge), instruction (teaching), knowledge (learning), preparation

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006