
I noun abandonment, abeyance, armistice, arrest, block, break, breathing spell, cessation, check, close, closing, deadlock, delay, desistance, detention, deterrent, discontinuance, discontinuation, end, ending, estoppage, estoppel, hesitation, impasse, impediment, inactivity, intermissio, intermission, interruption, lapse, lull, obstruction, pause, prevention, prohibition, recess, remission, respire, rest, shutdown, stalemate, standstill, stay, stop, stopover, stoppage, suspension, termination, time out, truce, wait associated concepts: freeze, injunction, restraining order II verb adjourn, arrest, balk, bar, bar someone's way, barricade, block, blockade, break, break off, bring to a standstill, call a halt, cease, check, come to a stop, consistere, counteract, curb, cut short, dam, deadlock, debar, defeat, desist, deter, disallow, discontinue, end, estop, foil, forbid, frustrate, hamper, hinder, hold, impede, inhibit, interrupt, make inactive, obstruct, pause, preclude, prevent, prohibit, put an end to, quell, quit, remain, rest, restrain, restrict, stand, stand still, stay, stem, stop, stop an advance, stop short, subdue, subsistere, suspend, terminate, thwart, wait associated concepts: abandon a crime, discontinue an action, injunction, stop and frisk laws III index abeyance, balk, block, cease, cessation (interlude), check (bar), check (restrain), close (terminate), cloture, conclude (complete), condemn (ban), constrict (inhibit), curtail, debar, defeat, desist, desuetude, detain (restrain), deterrence, discontinue (abandon), dissolve (terminate), embargo, end (termination), estop, finality, finish, forestall, hiatus, hinder, hold up (delay), impasse, interdict, interruption, interval, keep (restrain), layoff, lull, moratorium, obstruct, pause (noun), pause (verb), pendency, prevent, prohibit, proscribe (prohibit), quit (discontinue), recess (noun), recess (verb), refrain, remission, remit (relax), respite (interval of rest), rest (cease from action), shut, stall, stay, stay (rest), stem (check), stop, suspend, terminate, toll (stop)

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