
I noun abeyance, armistice, break, breather, breathing spell, cessation, deferment, delay, demur, demurral, disconnection, gap, halt, hesitance, hesitancy, hesitation, intercapedo, interim, interlude, intermissio, intermission, interruption, interval, intervallum, intervening period, lag, letup, lull, moratorium, procrastination, recess, relaxation, remission, respite, rest, rest period, space, standstill, stay, stillness, stoppage, suspension, time out, truce, vacation II verb be dubious, be irresolute, be uncertain, bide time, break, breathe, cast anchor, cease, come to a standstill, consider, dally, dawdle, delay, deliberate, demur, desist, discontinue, dwell, forbear, halt, hang back, hesitate, hold back, hold off, intermit, intermittere, interrupt, linger, loiter, mark time, morari, put off, reflect, repose, rest, slacken, stall, stand still, stay, stop and consider, straddle, suspend, take a breather, take time out, tarry, think over, think twice, vacillate, wait, waver, weigh III index cease, cessation (interlude), defer (put off), delay, discontinuance (act of discontinuing), doubt (hesitate), extension (postponement), halt (noun), halt (verb), hesitate, hiatus, interruption, interval, lapse (break), leave (absence), lull, misdoubt, moratorium, pendency, procrastinate, qualm, recess (noun), recess (verb), remain (stay), remission, reprieve, respite (interval of rest), rest (cease from action), stay (rest), stop

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