
I (domicile) noun abode, apartment, cottage, domicilium, domus, dormitory, dwelling, dwelling place, fireside, fixed residence, habitat, habitation, haven, homeland, homestead, house, household, living quarters, locality, lodging, lodging place, native environment, permanent legal address, place of abode, place of dwelling, place of existence, place of one's domestic affections, place of refuge, place of residence, place of rest, place to live in, place where one lives, quarters, refuge, residence, resting place associated concepts: home office, home rule domicile, home site foreign phrases:
- Constitutum esse earn domum unlculque nostrum debere existimarl, ubi quisque sedes et tabulas haberet, suarumque rerum constitutionem feclsset. — It is established that the home of each of us is considered to be the place of his abode and books, and where he may have made an establishment of his business
II (place of origin) noun birthplace, country, country of origin, fatherland, homeland, mother country, motherland, native ground, native hearth, native land, native soil, place of birth III index abode, address, apartment, building (structure), domestic (household), domestic (indigenous), domicile, habitation (dwelling place), homestead, house, household (domestic), household, inhabitation (place of dwelling), lodging, residence, residential, seat, shelter (protection)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006