cast into prison, commit to an institution, commit to prison, confine, constrain, detain, encage, enclose, enclose within walls, entomb, gate, hold, hold captive, hold in captivity, hold in check, hold within bounds, impound, imprison, incarcerate, includere, isolate, keep in, keep in captivity, keep in check, keep in custody, keep in detention, keep prisoner, keep under arrest, keep within bounds, lay under restraint, lead into captivity, lock in, lock up, make captive, put under arrest, quarantine, restrain, seal up, seclude, send to prison, shelter, shut up, take captive, take into custody, throw into prison, wall up
arrest (apprehend), capture, commit (institutionalize), confine, constrain (imprison), contain (enclose), detain (hold in custody), enclose, encompass (surround), imprison, jail, lock, restrain, restrict, sentence
Burton's Legal Thesaurus.
William C. Burton.