
I (place) noun area, division, locale, location, premises, purlieus, quarter, room, section, site, spot associated concepts: part in a courthouse II (portion) noun allocation, allowance, amount, bit, chip, chunk, collop, component, constituent, cutting, detachment, detail, division, excerpt, factor, fraction, fragment, helping, ingredient, interest, lump, measure, particle, percentage, piece, quantity, section, segment, serving, share, slab, slice, subdivision, subgroup associated concepts: principal part III (role) noun burden, character, charge, chore, concern, function, impersonation, job, mimesis, partes, performance, portrayal, province, realm, representation, responsibility, task, undertaking IV (leave) verb be gone, break away, defect, depart, escape, evacuate, get away from, go, go away, go forth, march off, migrate, move away, move out, quit, remove, retire, retreat, separate oneself from, set off, set out, take leave, take one's departure, tear oneself away, withdraw V (separate) verb be severed, be sundered, bifurcate, break, carve, compartmentalize, cut in two, detach, disassociate, disconnect, disengage, disentangle, disjoin, dismember, dissever, dissociate, dissolve, disunite, divide, dividere, fissure, halve, isolate, keep apart, parcel, partiri, partition, portion, section, separare, sever, sort out, split, stand between, subdivide, sunder, tear assunder, undo, unloose VI index alienate (estrange), alight, aspect, assignment (task), bifurcate, break (separate), chapter (division), circuit, component, constituent (part), courtroom, depart, department, detach, detail, dichotomize, disband, discontinue (break continuity), disengage, disjoint, disperse (scatter), dissociate, dissolve (separate), divide (separate), divorce, element, equity (share of ownership), estrange, excerpt, factor (ingredient), feature (characteristic), ingredient, interest (ownership), isolate, item, leave (depart), lot, luxate, member (constituent part), moiety, organ, phase (aspect), proportion, province, quit (evacuate), ration, region, remove (eliminate), retire (retreat), role, section (division), section (vicinity), segment, separate, sever, share (interest), split, subdivision, title (division), unit (item)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006