
I noun abiding, ability to bear, ability to endure, ability to tolerate, ability to withstand, allowance, bravery, broad-mindedness, capacity to endure, capacity to stand suffering, capacity to take pain, charter, compassion, constancy, courage, durability, endurance, fortitude, franchise, freedom, freedom from bigotry, freedom from prejudice, good will, humanity, immunity, immunization, impunity, indulgence, indulgentia, lack of bias, liberality, license, patience, perseverance, persistence, resignation, stamina, stoicism, strength, submission, sufferance, sustainment, sympathy, tolerantia, toleration, understanding II index acceptance, benevolence (disposition to do good), charter (sanction), clemency, composure, consent, disinterest (lack of prejudice), dispensation (exception), franchise (license), goodwill, indulgence, leave (permission), lenience, longanimity, permission, privilege, resignation (passive acceptance), sanction (permission), sufferance, temperance

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