
I adjective amiss, awry, below par, below standards, beneath standards, blemished, broken, bruised, crippled, damaged, deficient, deformed, distorted, falling short, faultful, faulty, flawed, impaired, imperfect, imperfectus, inadequate, incomplete, incondite, incorrect, infirm, injured, inoperative, insufficient, lacking, lame, marred, mutilated, out of order, unfinished, unsound, wanting, warped, weak associated concepts: defective and unsafe condition, defective condition, defective construction, defective in form, defective in substance, defective instrumentality, defective machinery, defective materials, defective or dangerous condition, defective product, defective service of process, defective title, defective workmanship or material, defective writ, mentally defective, products liability II index bad (inferior), blemished, broken (fractured), deficient, faulty, imperfect, inferior (lower in quality), insufficient, marred, non compos mentis, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), peccable, poor (inferior in quality), undesirable, unsound (fallacious), unsound (not strong)

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