
I adjective aberrant, amiss, awry, below par, blemished, damaged, defective, deficient, distorted, errant, erroneous, fallacious, false, flawed, found wanting, full of faults, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, improper, inaccurate, inadequate, incorrect, inferior, injured, invalid, lacking, less than perfect, malformed, mendosus, mistaken, not ideal, out of order, solecistic, solecistical, unfit, unprecise unsatisfactory, unsound, vitiosus, wanting, warped, wrong II index bad (inferior), blameful, blemished, defective, deficient, derelict (negligent), errant, erroneous, fallacious, fallible, false (inaccurate), illogical, imperfect, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, inferior (lower in quality), invalid, marred, obnoxious, peccable, poor (inferior in quality), unsatisfactory, unsound (fallacious), unsound (not strong), untenable

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