The property of a solid substance to attract and hold to its surface a gas, liquid, or a substance in solution or in suspension. For example, condensation of a gas onto a surface. Cf.:absorption. [L. ad, to, + sorbeo, to suck up]
- immune a. 1. removal of antibody (agglutinin or precipitin) from antiserum by use of specific antigen; after aggregation has occurred, the antigen-antibody complex is separated either by centrifugation or by filtration; 2. removal of antigen by specific antiserum in a similar manner.
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ad·sorp·tion ad-'sȯrp-shən, -'zȯrp- n the adhesion in an extremely thin layer of molecules (as of gases, solutes, or liquids) to the surfaces of solid bodies or liquids with which they are in contact compare ABSORPTION
ad·sorp·tive -'sȯrp-tiv, -'zȯrp- adj
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ad·sorp·tion (ad-sorpґshən) [L. ad- to + sorption] the attachment of one substance to the surface of another; the concentration of a gas or a substance in solution in a liquid on a surface in contact with the gas or liquid, resulting in a relatively high concentration of the gas or solution at the surface. Cf. absorption.Medical dictionary. 2011.