
Alternating; often used substantively for alternation of the heart, either electrical or mechanical. Alternating; used as a noun in the sense of pulsus a.. [L.]
- auditory a. SYN: auscultatory a..
- auscultatory a. alternation in the intensity of heart sounds or murmurs in the presence of a regular cardiac rhythm as a result of mechanical alternation of the heart. SYN: auditory a..
- concordant a. simultaneous occurrence of right ventricular and pulmonary artery a. with left ventricular and peripheral pulsus a..
- cycle length a. a succession of long and short diastolic intervals.
- discordant a. presence of right ventricular and pulmonary artery a. with peripheral pulsus a., but with the strong beat of the right ventricle coinciding with the weak beat of the left and vice versa.
- electrical a. electrical alternation of the heart.

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alternans see PULSUS ALTERNANS

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al·ter·nans (awl-turґnanz) [L., pres. part. of alternare to do by turns] 1. alternating; see pulsus alternans, under pulsus. 2. alternation.

Medical dictionary. 2011.