A mechanical device which represents the temporomandibular joints and jaw members to which maxillary and mandibular casts may be attached. SYN: occluding frame.
- adjustable a. 1. an a. which may be adjusted to permit movement of the casts into recorded eccentric relationships; 2. an a. capable of adjustment to more than one eccentric position.
- arcon a. 1. an a. with the equivalent condylar guides fixed to the upper member and the hinge axis to the lower member; 2. an instrument that maintains a constant relationship between the occlusal plane and the arcon guides at any position of the upper member, thereby making possible more accurate reproductions of mandibular movements.
- non-arcon a. an a. with the equivalent condylar guides attached to the lower member and the hinge axis to the upper member.
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ar·tic·u·la·tor är-'tik-yə-.lāt-ər n one that articulates specif an apparatus used in dentistry for obtaining correct articulation of artificial teeth
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(in dentistry) an apparatus for relating the upper and lower models of a patient's dentition in a fixed position, usually with maximum tooth contact. Some articulators can reproduce jaw movements. They are used in the construction of crowns, bridges, and dentures.
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ar·tic·u·la·tor (ahr-tikґu-la″tər) 1. a device for effecting a jointlike union. 2. dental a.Medical dictionary. 2011.