
1. The manner of appearance; looks. 2. The side of an object that is directed in any designated direction. SYN: norma (1). [L. aspectus, fr. a-spicio, pp. -spectus, to look at]
- facial a. [TA] the outline of the skull viewed from in front. SYN: norma facialis [TA], frontal a., norma frontalis, norma anterior.
- frontal a. facial a..
- lateral a. [TA] the profile of the skull; the outline of the skull viewed from either side. SYN: norma lateralis [TA], norma temporalis.
- occipital a. [TA] the outline of the skull viewed from behind. SYN: norma occipitalis [TA], norma posterior.
- superior a. the outline of the surface of the skull viewed from above. SYN: norma superior [TA], norma verticalis, vertical a..
- vertical a. superior a..
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Anticoagulants in Secondary Prevention of Events in Coronary Thrombosis; approach to systematic planning and evaluation of clinical trials

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as·pect 'as-.pekt n
1) the part of an object (as an organ) in a particular position <the medial \aspects of the knees (R. H. Nyquist)>
2) a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded <the medicolegal \aspects of pregnancy (Bull. of Meharry Med. Coll.)>

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as·pect (asґpekt) [L. aspectus, from aspicere to look toward] 1. that part of a surface facing in some designated direction. 2. the look or appearance.

Medical dictionary. 2011.