
An increased elimination of urea in the urine. [azo- (azote) + G. ouron, urine]

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azo·tu·ria .ā-zō-'t(y)u̇r-ē-ə n an abnormal condition of horses characterized by an excesss of urea or other nitrogenous substances in the urine and by muscle damage esp. to the hindquarters

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the presence in the urine of an abnormally high concentration of nitrogen-containing compounds, especially urea.

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az·o·tu·ria (az″o-tuґre-ə) [azote + -uria] an excess of urea or other nitrogen compounds in the urine. a type of exertional rhabdomyolysis in horses marked by sudden perspiration and paralysis of the hind quarters and by the passing of light red to dark brown urine. It occurs in animals that, after being engaged in continuous work, are given a long rest (such as a weekend for work horses) with continuation of the high-protein diet and then return to work. Called also cording-up, set-fast, tying up, tying-up syndrome, Monday morning disease, and paralytic myoglobinuria. azoturic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.