
1. Any structure or apparatus shaped like a b. with outstretched wings. 2. A scaling erythematous lesion on each cheek, joined by a narrow band across the nose; seen in lupus erythematosus and seborrheic dermatitis. SYN: b. eruption, b. patch, b. rash.

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but·ter·fly -.flī n, pl -flies
1) pl a feeling of hollowness or queasiness caused esp. by emotional or nervous tension or anxious anticipation
2) a bandage with wing-shaped extensions
butterfly adj being, relating to, or affecting the area of the face including both cheeks connected by a band across the nose <the typical \butterfly lesion of lupus erythematosus>

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but·ter·fly (butґər-fli) 1. any of numerous flying insects of the order Lepidoptera, or something resembling this insect. 2. a small piece of adhesive tape with broad, wing-shaped ends by means of which the edges of a superficial wound may be approximated. butterfly rash.

Medical dictionary. 2011.