
1. To fall, or to be dispensed or poured in globules. 2. A liquid globule. 3. A volume of liquid regarded as a unit of dosage, equivalent in the case of water to about 1 minim. SEE ALSO: drops. 4. A solid confection in globular form, usually intended to be allowed to dissolve in the mouth. [A.S. droppan]
- enamel d. SYN: enameloma.
- hanging d. a d. of liquid on the undersurface of the object glass for examination under the microscope.

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drop 'dräp n
1 a) the quantity of fluid that falls in one spherical mass
b) drops pl a dose of medicine measured by drops <eye \drops for dilating the pupil of the eye>
2) the smallest practical unit of liquid measure that varies in size according to the specific gravity and viscosity of the liquid and to the conditions under which it is formed compare MINIM
drop vb, dropped; drop·ping vi to fall in drops vt
1) of an animal to give birth to <lambs dropped in June>
2) to take (a drug) orally <\drop acid>

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(drop) [L. gutta] 1. a minute sphere of liquid as it hangs or falls. 2. to descend or cause to descend. 3.a descent or falling.

Medical dictionary. 2011.