Resembling, or having the general characteristics of, a eunuch; usually indicating the physical habitus of a male in whom hypogonadism occurred before puberty. [G. eunouchos, eunuch, + eidos, resembling]
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eu·nuch·oid 'yü-nə-.kȯid also eu·nuch·oi·dal -.kȯid-əl, .yü-nə-'kȯid-əl adj of, relating to, or characterized by eunuchoidism: resembling a eunuch
eunuchoid n a sexually deficient individual esp one lacking in sexual differentiation and tending toward the intersex state
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eu·nuch·oid (uґnə-koid) [Gr. eunouchoeidēs] 1. resembling or having the characteristics of a eunuch. 2. a male with hypogonadism and deficient secondary sex characters.Medical dictionary. 2011.