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1. In zoology, denoting the sex to which those belong that produce spermatozoa; an individual of that sex. 2. SYN: masculine. [L. masculus, fr. mas, m.]
- genetic human m. 1. an individual with a karyotype containing a Y chromosome; 2. an individual whose cell nuclei do not contain Barr sex chromatin bodies, which are normally present in females. Patients with ambiguous sexual development and those with Turner syndrome are classed as genetic males or genetic females according to the absence or presence of Barr bodies even though their sex chromosome complement may suggest otherwise.
- XX m. a clear m. phenotype in the presence of a 46,XX karyotype; presumably the vital parts of the Y chromosome are located elsewhere in the genome as a result of translocation at least in some of these persons.
- XXY m. Klinefelter syndrome.
- XYY m. XYY syndrome.
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male 'mā(ə)l n an individual that produces small usu. motile gametes (as sperm or spermatozoa) which fertilize the eggs of a female
male adj
1) of, relating to, or being the sex that produces gametes which fertilize the eggs of female
2) designed for fitting into a corresponding hollow part
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(māl) 1. an organism of the sex that produces spermatozoa. 2. masculine.Medical dictionary. 2011.