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The organ of hearing : composed of the external e., which includes the auricle and the external acoustic, or auditory, meatus; the middle e., or the tympanic cavity with its ossicles; and the internal e. or inner e., or labyrinth, which includes the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea. SEE ALSO: auricle. SYN: auris [TA]. [A.S. eáre]
- bat e. SYN: lop-e..
- bladder e. protrusion of a portion of the bladder into proximal inguinal canal; often seen in pediatric VCUGs and rarely of clinical significance.
- Blainville ears asymmetry in size or shape of the auricles.
- boxer's e. SYN: cauliflower e..
- Cagot e. (ka-go′) an auricle having no lobulus. [a people in the Pyrenees among whom physical stigmata are common]
- cauliflower e. thickening and induration of the e. with distortion of contours following extravasation of blood within its tissues. SYN: boxer's e..
- darwinian e. an auricle in which the upper border is not rolled over to form the helix, but projects upward as a flat, sharp edge.
- dog e. redundant corner of skin, usually the result of mismatch of skin edges in a wound closure, leaving an excessive hump or triangular bit of tissue.
- glue e. middle e. inflammation with thick mucoid effusion caused by long-standing eustachian tube obstruction.
- lop e. SYN: outstanding e.. See lop-e..
- Mozart e. a deformity of the pinna where the two crura of the antihelix and the crus of the helix are fused, giving a bulging appearance of the superior part of the pinna. [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756–1791, composer, said to have had this deformity]
- outstanding e. excessive protrusion of the e. from the head, usually due to failure of the antihelical fold to develop. SYN: lop e., protruding e..
- protruding e. SYN: outstanding e..
- Stahl e. a deformed external e., in which the fossa ovalis and upper portion of the scaphoid fossa are covered by the helix; once regarded as a stigma of degenerate constitution.
- swimmer's e. SYN: otitis externa.
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European Association of Radiology
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ear 'i(ə)r n
1) the characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear separated by the tympanic membrane from a sound-transmitting middle ear that in turn is separated from a sensory inner ear by membranous fenestrae
2 a) the external ear of humans and most mammals
b) a human earlobe <had her \ears pierced>
3 a) the sense or act of hearing
b) acuity of hearing
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the sense organ concerned with hearing and balance. Sound waves, transmitted from the outside into the external auditory meatus, cause the eardrum (tympanic membrane) to vibrate. The small bones (ossicles) of the middle ear - the malleus, incus, and stapes - transmit the sound vibrations to the fenestra ovalis, which leads to the inner ear (see labyrinth). Inside the cochlea the sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses. Vibrations emerging from the cochlea could cause pressure to build up inside the ear, but this is released through the Eustachian tube. The semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle - also in the inner ear - are all concerned with balance.
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expired air resuscitation.Medical dictionary. 2011.