
Early stage of prophase in meiosis in which the chromosomes contract and become visible as long filaments well separated from each other. SYN: leptonema. [lepto- + G. tainia, band, tape]

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lep·to·tene 'lep-tə-.tēn n a stage of meiotic prophase immediately preceding synapsis in which the chromosomes appear as fine discrete threads
leptotene also lep·to·te·nic .lep-tə-'tē-nik adj relating to or being the leptotene of meiotic prophase

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the first stage in the first prophase of meiosis, in which the chromosomes become visible as single long threads.

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lep·to·tene (lepґto-tēn) [lepto- + Gr. tainia ribbon] the first stage of prophase in meiosis I, during which the chromosomes condense and become visible as slender threads.

Medical dictionary. 2011.