
The medical and scientific term for the "excrement discharged from the intestines." The word "feces" (or its English version "faeces") in Shakespeare in this context until the 17th century "feces" merely meant the "dregs or sediment" of wine or some other fermented product. From the Latin "faex" and "faecis" meaning the dregs or sediment. "Feces" is the plural. There is no singular.
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The matter discharged from the bowel during defecation, consisting of the undigested residue of food, epithelium, intestinal mucus, bacteria, and waste material from the food. SYN: stercus. [L., pl. of faex (faec-), dregs]

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fe·ces or chiefly Brit fae·ces 'fē-(.)sēz n pl bodily waste discharged through the anus: EXCREMENT

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fe·ces (feґsēz) [L. faeces, pl. of faex refuse] material discharged from the intestines, consisting of bacteria, cells exfoliated from the intestines, secretions, chiefly of the liver, and a small amount of food residue. Called also excrement and stool. fecal adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.