An instrument for indicating the pressure of any fluid or the difference in pressure between two fluids, whether gas or liquid. [G. manos, thin, scanty, + metron, measure]
- aneroid m. a m. in which the pressure is indicated by a revolving pointer moved by a diaphragm or Bourdon tube exposed to the pressure. SYN: dial m..
- differential m. any device that indicates the difference in pressure between two fluids, regardless of any changes in their absolute pressures.
- mercurial m. an m. in which the varying pressures are shown by differences of elevation in a column of mercury.
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ma·nom·e·ter mə-'näm-ət-ər n
1) an instrument (as a pressure gauge) for measuring the pressure of gases and vapors
mano·met·ric .man-ə-'me-trik adj
mano·met·ri·cal·ly -tri-k(ə-)lē adv
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a device for measuring pressure in a liquid or gas. A manometer often consists of a U-tube containing mercury, water, or other liquid, open at one end and exposed to the fluid under pressure at the other end. The pressure can be read directly from a graduated scale. See also sphygmomanometer.
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ma·nom·e·ter (mə-nomґə-tər) [Gr. manos thin + -meter] an instrument for measuring the pressure or tension of liquids or gases, as of the blood.Medical dictionary. 2011.