- alveolar-arterial oxygen d. the d. or gradient between the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar spaces and the arterial blood : P(A–a)02. Normally in young adults this value is less than 20 mm Hg. SEE ALSO: alveolar gas equation.
- arteriovenous carbon dioxide d. the d. in carbon dioxide content (in mL per 100 mL blood) between arterial and venous blood.
- arteriovenous oxygen d. the d. in the oxygen content (in mL per 100 mL blood) between arterial and venous blood.
- individual differences in clinical psychology, deviations of individuals from the group average or from each other.
- masking level d. a technique of comparing threshold responses with masking noise presented in phase and out of phase with the test signal; release from masking is normal and indicates an intact brainstem auditory pathway.
- standard error of d. a statistical index of the probability that a d. between two sample means is greater than zero.
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dif·fer·ence (difґər-ens) the condition or magnitude of variation between two qualities or quantities.Medical dictionary. 2011.