
The genotype is the genetic constitution (the genome) of a cell, an individual or an organism. The genotype is distinct from its expressed features, or phenotype. The genotype of a person is her or his genetic makeup. It can pertain to all genes or to a specific gene. By contrast, the phenotype results from the interaction between the genotype and the environment. It is the composite of the characteristics shown by the cell, individual or organism under a particular set of environmental conditions.
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1. The genetic constitution of an individual. 2. Gene combination at one specific locus or any specified combination of loci. For specific blood group genotypes, see Blood Groups appendix. [G. genos, birth, descent, + typos, type]
- ZZ g. individuals who have a deficiency of α1-antitrypsin and have emphysema.

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ge·no·type 'jē-nə-.tīp, 'jen-ə- n
2) all or part of the genetic constitution of an individual or group compare PHENOTYPE
ge·no·typ·ic .jē-nə-'tip-ik, .jen-ə- also ge·no·typ·i·cal -i-kəl adj
ge·no·typ·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
genotype vt, -typed; -typ·ing to determine the genotype of <50 families were genotyped for 20 genetic markers>

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1. the genetic constitution of an individual or group, as determined by the particular set of genes it possesses.
2. the genetic information carried by a pair of alleles, which determines a particular characteristic.
3. a gene or pattern of genes the precise details of which are defined. Compare phenotype.

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ge·no·type (jeґno-tīp) [geno- + type] 1. the entire genetic constitution of an individual. 2. the alleles present at one or more specific loci. Cf. phenotype.

Medical dictionary. 2011.