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The observable characteristics, at the physical, morphologic, or biochemical level, of an individual, as determined by the genotype and environment. [G. phaino, to display, + typos, model]
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phe·no·type 'fē-nə-.tīp n the observable properties of an organism that are produced by the interaction of the genotype and the environment compare GENOTYPE (2)
phe·no·typ·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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1. the observable characteristics of an individual, which result from interaction between the genes he possesses (genotype) and the environment.
2. the expression in a person or on a cell of characteristics determined by genes that are not fully defined.
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phe·no·type (feґno-tīp) [pheno- (def. 1) + type] the observable morphological, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of an individual, either in whole or with respect to a single or a few traits, as determined by a combination of the genotype and the environment.Medical dictionary. 2011.