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1. An escape of blood from the intravascular space. 2. To bleed. [G. haimorrhagia, fr. haima, blood, + rhegnymi, to burst forth]
- brainstem h. h. into the pons or mesencephalon, often secondary to brainstem distortion by transtentorial herniations due to rapidly expanding intracranial lesions.
- cerebral h. h. into the substance of the cerebrum, usually in the region of the internal capsule by the rupture of the lenticulostriate artery. SYN: hematencephalon, intracerebral h..
- concealed h. SYN: internal h..
- Duret h. small brainstem h. resulting from brainstem distortion secondary to transtentorial herniation.
- extradural h. an accumulation of blood between the skull and the dura mater. SYN: epidural hematoma.
- gastric h. SYN: gastrorrhagia.
- intermediate h. h. that is recurrent.
- intracerebral h. SYN: cerebral h..
- h. per rhexis h. due to the rupture of a blood vessel.
- postpartum h. h. from the birth canal in excess of 500 ml after a vaginal delivery or 1000 mL after a cesarean delivery during the first 24 hours after birth.
- primary h. h. immediately after an injury or operation, as distinguished from intermediate or secondary h..
- serous h. obsolete term for a profuse transudation of plasma through the walls of the capillaries.
- splinter hemorrhages tiny longitudinal subungual hemorrhages typically seen in but not diagnostic of bacterial endocarditis, trichinosis, etc.
- subarachnoid h. extravasation of blood into the subarachnoid space, often due to aneurysm rupture and usually spreading throughout the cerebrospinal fluid pathways.
- subdural h. extravasation of blood between the dural and arachnoidal membranes; acute and chronic forms occur; chronic hematomas may become encapsulated by neomembranes. SYN: subdural hematoma.
- syringomyelic h. h. into a syringomyelic cavity.
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hem·or·rhage or chiefly Brit haem·or·rhage 'hem-(ə-)rij n a copious discharge of blood from the blood vessels
hem·or·rhag·ic or chiefly Brit haem·or·rhag·ic .hem-ə-'raj-ik adj
hemorrhage or chiefly Brit haemorrhage vi, -rhaged; -rhag·ing to undergo heavy or uncontrollable bleeding
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hem·or·rhage (hemґə-rəj) [hemo- + -rrhage] the escape of blood from the vessels; bleeding. Small hemorrhages are classified according to size as petechiae (very small), purpura (up to 1 cm), and ecchymoses (larger). A large accumulation of blood within a tissue is called a hematoma. See also bleeding. hemorrhagic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.