
1. SYN: phantasm. 2. A model, especially a transparent one, of the human body or any of its parts. SEE ALSO: manikin. 3. In radiology, a mechanical or computer-originated model for predicting irradiation dosage deep in the body. [G. phantasma, an appearance]
- Schultze p. a model of a female pelvis used in demonstrating the mechanism of childbirth and the application of forceps.
- sensory p. a perceived sensation unrelated to or distinct from any actual stimulus, which can occur in any of the senses.

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phan·tom also fan·tom 'fant-əm n
1) a model of the body or one of its parts
2) a body of material resembling a body or bodily part in mass, composition, and dimensions and used to measure absorption of radiations
phantom also fantom adj not caused by an anatomical lesion <\phantom respiratory disorders>

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phan·tom (fanґtəm) [Gr. phantasma an appearance] 1. phantasm. 2. a model of the body or a body part. 3. in radiology, a device that simulates the conditions encountered when radiation or radioactive material is deposited in tissues, to give a quantitative estimation of its effects.

Medical dictionary. 2011.