An asymmetric craniostenosis due to premature closure of the lambdoid and coronal sutures on one side; characterized by an oblique deformity of the skull. SYN: asynclitism of the skull, plagiocephalism. [G. plagios, oblique, + kephale, head]
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pla·gi·o·ceph·a·ly .plā-jē-ō-'sef-ə-lē n, pl -lies a malformation of the head marked by an oblique slant to the main axis of the skull and usu. caused by closure of half of the coronal suture
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any distortion or lack of symmetry in the shape of the head, usually due to irregularity in the closure of the sutures between the bones of the skull.
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pla·gio·ceph·a·ly (pla″je-o-sefґə-le) [Gr. plagios oblique + -cephaly] an asymmetric condition of the head, resulting from irregular closure of the cranial sutures. plagiocephalic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.